Restoring Hope And Bringing Healing To The Next Generation In Israel And Guatemala

Hope and Healing International is a team of people who are making a difference in the world, one life at a time! As we traveled around the globe, our hearts connected with the people of Israel and Guatemala in a special way. Regardless of where we live on the planet, all of us want to live in hope, health, and peace. Racial tensions, poverty, violence, and disease rob people daily of this dignity. Children are the most vulnerable of all.

Hope and Healing International decided to change this and invest our time and resources into the next generation. Through the generosity of our donors, we have made a tremendous impact in these countries. We began with a visit to Israel in 2008. We reached out to three impoverished children. Since then, we have poured thousands of hours and dollars into transforming hundreds of lives. In Guatemala, we helped to start an orphanage in 2009, and have helped over 250 children and given nearly $250,000 to bring hope and healing.

Hope and Healing International is restoring hope and bringing healing to the next generation in Israel and Guatemala. Join with us as we invest in the nation of Israel to bring hope and healing to an ancient conflict. We do this educationally and relationally by giving Jews and Arabs the tools to live together in peace.

Partner with us in Guatemala, as we pour into the lives of 22 orphans, helping to make their home a family of love, hope, and health.

Hope and Healing International has built long-term relationships and partners with several Israeli organizations. Working with these organizations for fifteen years, we teach children, teens, and young adults how to respect one another and live in peace—restoring hope and bringing healing to centuries-old hatred.

In Guatemala, Hope and Healing International provides healthy food, clean water, medical care, private education, and a loving, safe home to 22 children who have been rescued from lives of abuse, neglect, and trauma.

Our Causes

Educating The Next Generation

The ancient and modern beauty of the land of Israel is seen in her venerable ruins, breath-taking vistas, fascinating history and innovative technology. Above all, Israel’s beauty is seen in the faces of her people, bustling about the shuks, the synagogues and the streets.

Tragically though, the streets of Israel are too often filled with violence and murder as complex political, cultural, and religious forces collide. Since the first intifada, hundreds of innocent children have perished. Hope and Healing International is making a difference in the next generation of Jewish and Arab lives.

Through our partnership with several Israeli organizations, we teach children, teens, and young adults how to respect one another and live in peace. We bring solutions through enlightenment of mind and spirit; through our efforts, hope and healing has been released to hundreds of people. Join the force for change!


Building A Stronger Israel Through Hope and Healing

Israel has endured for seventy-three years, and continues its amazing rebirth as a nation. We invite you to participate with us in bringing hope and healing to this miracle country! To continue our work in Israel, we are determined to raise $73,000 in 2021. It’s simple! All it takes is 83 people to commit to giving only $73.00 per month.

$73.00 x 12 months = $876.00

$876.00 x 83 generous souls = $73,000

Can we count on you?

Yes! Count me in! Donate.

Overall Progress

Raised $ 30,400 Goal $ 73,000
Only 45 more supporters needed!

Loving The Orphans Of Guatemala

Guatemala is a beautiful, yet impoverished country. Currently, there are over 500,000 orphans, many of whom live in hopeless institutions or on the violent streets of Guatemala. Hope and Healing International decided to change the future of 22 children. Beginning in 2009, we helped to open an orphanage in Guatemala City---Dios Bendiga a Los Ninos—and have experienced miracles in the lives of Guatemalan children ever since.

Through financial giving, we help to provide healthy food, clean water, clothing, medical care, private education, and special-needs therapies. Most of all, through a dedicated staff, we also provide daily love and guidance to these precious little ones. We excel at rescuing abused, neglected, and traumatized children, and transforming them into a family of hopeful, joyful, healed and successful boys and girls.

You can support La Familia also and make a difference forever in the life of a child! You can choose to be a general sponsor by making a regular financial gift to the orphanage that supports all of the children, or you may choose to support a specific child.

Meet The Orphans

Can't Decide ButStill Want To Give?

We completely understand! We are more than happy to receive general donations that will go towards all of our efforts with our orphanage in Guatemala. It's like adopting all of them!

Give To Them All!

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